What Men Don’t Like about Their Bodies

A few months ago, RealSelf.com, a leading portal for plastic surgeons and their patients, surveyed doctors about plastic surgery trends in 2016. One of the most agreed-upon trends was the increase in men seeking plastic surgery to address physical insecurities. RealSelf identified five physical attributes that men are likely to mention in consultation with plastic surgeons. Since male plastic surgery is an area of interest at our practice, Dr. Alexander Ereso would like to share with our readers what these physical characteristics are, and explain what can be done about them.
1. Chin/Jawline
Since a strong, well-defined chin is a much-desired masculine characteristic, it is no surprise that most of the doctors surveyed by RealSelf expect an uptick in requests for chin and neck work this year. Our team has seen this trend reflected in our own practice. Sometimes the problem is a receding chin, which can be built up with a chin implant. When the issue is a double chin, the injectable, Kybella can help reduce excess fat.
2. Neck
Thanks to the increase in “selfies” and the quality of smartphone cameras, many men have become much more aware of their neck and desire a longer and leaner neck contour. There are several ways that Dr. Ereso can accomplish this, depending on the needs of the patient. Options include neck lift, neck liposuction and non-surgical skin tightening.
3. Chest
With a large number of men suffering from gynecomastia (excessive breast tissue), achieving a flat, firm chest is a priority for many. According to 2015 statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons – that we reviewed in February – 40 percent of breast reduction patients are now male.
4. Eyes/Eyelids
The eyes and eyelids are a major contributing factor to the overall youthfulness of the face. In the past, our team has suggested that enhancing the eye area through eyelid surgery or brow lift can boost a person’s self-confidence and possibly even help employees over 50 maintain a competitive edge in the workplace.
5. Lower Abdomen
Both men and women find it difficult to spot-tone the abdomen, especially the lower portion under the navel. RealSelf reports that men are more likely to seek treatments that women have been having for years, including liposuction, to flatten a protruding abdomen.
For more information about any of the procedures mentioned in this post, or to discuss your unique cosmetic concerns with our doctors, please call Alexander Ereso Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics at (650) 964-6600 today.