In well-selected patients, a lower body lift tightens the thighs and buttocks by removing the excess tissue from the lateral hip and inner thigh. A lower body lift can be modified and combined with an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). To learn more about the benefits of a lower body lift, contact our Mountain View office.
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Body Lift Candidacy
Lower body lift surgery is best suited to people who are in relatively good shape but have loose lower body skin and/or a significant amount of lower body fat that won’t respond to dieting or exercise.
You may be a good candidate for lower body lift surgery if you have one or more of the following conditions:
- Excess or loose, sagging lower body skin
- Lower body muscles that have been weakened by pregnancy or aging
- Excess fat that is concentrated beneath the lower body skin
If you plan to become pregnant or lose a significant amount of weight, you should discuss these plans with Dr. Ereso.

Consultation For Body Contouring
A personal consultation with Dr. Ereso is the first step. During the session, our plastic surgeon will assess your physical and emotional health, review your medical history, and discuss your specific cosmetic surgery goals. The consultation is also a good chance for patients coming from other parts of the San Jose Bay Area, to ask questions about lower body lift surgery and have them answered in person by our plastic surgeon.
You should arrive at the consultation prepared to provide complete information about:
- Previous surgeries
- Past and present medical conditions
- Treatments you have received
- Medications that you are taking, including nutritional supplements and herbal remedies
Dr. Ereso has been very influenced by the contributions of Dr. Ted Lockwood of Kansas City, and Dr. Jean-Francois Pascal of Lyon, France.
Preparing for lower body lift is similar to preparing for any other body contouring procedure. Depending on your age and health, you may be asked to undergo lab testing or have bloodwork done prior to surgery. Dr. Ereso will review the medications, vitamins and supplements you take and advise whether you need to make any adjustments to reduce the risks of surgery.
In general, focus on getting your body into its peak condition before surgery. Eat a healthy diet, exercise and get plenty of sleep. Keep stress to a minimum and make arrangements for the day of surgery and recovery period. Make sure you have someone available to drive you to and from surgery.
Lower Body Lift Procedure Details
Usually, inner thigh lift incisions are extended anteriorly and laterally to the hip/flank area ending just above the buttock crease posteriorly. This is joined from the incision on the opposite side. After liposuction and separating the deep tissues from the underlying muscle, a generous portion of skin and subcutaneous tissue is removed, followed by deep and superficial skin closure. Several drains are usually placed to prevent fluid collection. Dressings may include light dressings or girdle-like pressure garments. You will stay at least overnight at the surgery center or hospital for careful monitoring prior to discharge.
Body Lift Recovery
Dr. Ereso and our team will provide complete instructions for your lower body lift recovery, including how to care for drains and dressings and medications to take to prevent infection and complications.
Certain activities, such as bending, lifting, straining or engaging in vigorous exercise, are off-limits during the initial recovery. It is useful to have another adult available to help at home, as you will need assistance getting up and moving around, preparing meals and doing laundry.
You will see Dr. Ereso during your recovery for follow-up visits, so he can monitor your healing incisions and evaluate your overall progress. As you feel stronger and more like yourself again after surgery, he will clear you to resume work, socializing and exercising.
Most patients take two to three weeks off from desk job work and six to eight weeks off from exercise.
Lower Body Lift Results
Lower body lift results are very gratifying to patients. Although the scars are long, they usually heal well. Occasionally, scar revisions are necessary to obtain the ideal result. Lower body lifting can dramatically tighten sagging thigh, hip, and buttock tissue. When performed in concert with abdominoplasty, it can nicely improve the appearance of the abdomen hips, flanks, buttocks, and upper lateral thighs.
“I highly recommend Dr. Ereso and staff! Dr. Ereso is extremely knowledgeable, caring and precise with his patients. He spent over an hour with me answering all of my questions and I am extremely pleased with the outcome of his work. He did not rush and took his time with my procedure and I feel I look younger with the results! I will be a long-term customer of Dr. Ereso and will recommend him to all of my friends”
Lower Body Lift Risks/Safety
The risks of lower body lift include infection, bleeding, permanent changes in skin sensation and adverse reaction to anesthesia. Accumulations of blood or fluid under the skin are also a possibility, although the use of compression garments helps to minimize the risk.
Note that long-term complications after lower body lift are unusual when surgery is performed by a qualified, experienced surgeon in an accredited facility and all pre- and post-operative instructions are followed.
Complementary Cosmetic Procedures
It is up to you whether to combine lower body lift with another body contouring procedure.
If you have excess skin and loose tissue on your upper and lower body, you may decide to combine upper and lower body lift. Upper body lift focuses on improving the upper back, arms, and breast/chest area.
Some patients choose to combine lower body lift with a targeted lift procedure, such as arm or breast lift.
Body Lift Costs/Financing
The cost of lower body lift varies by provider and patient, according to the techniques used. Insurance coverage may be available, as heavy excess skin can cause functional and health-related problems (e.g., infections, ulcers, chafing). Our office also accepts financing through CareCredit®.
For more information about the cost and financing options for lower body lift, do not hesitate to reach out to a member of our team.
The lower body lift procedure can be an exceptionally beneficial procedure for the right candidates. Dr. Alexander Ereso, who serves patients from his Mountain View office, has extensive lower body lift experience. Contact our practice today to schedule a consultation and learn more about the lower body lift procedure.